Q: what version of maya do you release for?

A: check the release table below....

Q: what platforms wil you release for?

A: check the release table below...

Q: who is developing this?

A: me.. a TD doing this in my spare time, so don't exepct amazing support for a free tool, most of my day is consumed by my work on Film FX

Q: Can I have the Source code?

A: Hmm... not currently, I'll happily point you i the right direction to make your plugin.. If your really desperate or woudl like to hire or pay for my services then any offer will be considered

Q: what future improvements are coming?

A: I'll try to list them on the news page, if you have any sugestions forward them my way and i'll try to accomidate if reasonable


MBGEO TECH QUESTIONS: (also see tutorials page)

Q my bego file won't import into maya with your plugin

A: try removing excess atributes in houdini with an attribute sop (i.e insert * in the delete field), fixes 99% of probelms I've seen are because .bgeos from houdini are heavy laiden with point/vertex and primitive attrs. your really only need N and P to import to maya...!


Release Formats
win 32
win 64
linux 32
linux 64
maya 8.5
maya 2008
maya 2009
maya 2010
maya 2011