If you have ideas you would like to see implemented then drop me an email, heres some of the things I have in mind:
- volume import and export
- export/import multiple meshes with one node (array input/output)RECENTLY COMPETE:
v2.0 : (15/11/2010)
- exports and imports 64,000 + polygons
- exports multiple uv sets (as vertex attributes with the same name), with option to turn this on off
- exports and imports float frames with $FF (allows maya users who export sub frames to render bgeo's with motion blur)
- fixed bug so that normals export correctly, also added toggle to alow normals to be inverted
- bego's can now be imported and exported as gzipped files, just add the .gz extension to read and write them
08/06/2010: - maya 2011plugin released (OSX x64 / windows x64 / Linux x64)
01/02/2010: - updated plugin for windows x64 (vista + windows 7)
10/01/2010: - added win32 plugins for maya 2010 + 2009
01/01/2010: - added osx plugins for maya 2010 + 2009
22/12/2009: - updated AE templates + icons
10/12/2009: - added Plugins for 2010
A colection of links to these tools have been posted here: